The Habbit Factory’s Infant, Junior and Senior groups present ‘The Last Resort’ supported by the Blue Tees.

Set in a nature reserve hotel and forest, Buddy the Badger goes on a mission to save the Woodland Inn by gathering animal friends throughout the forest. Humans are set on destroying everything to build a shopping centre. Can Buddy and his friends convince the humans of their wrong actions? Or is it too late to change their minds? This inspiring musical has songs from well-known artists from different genres so there is something for everyone. You are guaranteed to laugh and cry throughout this original story made by/with/for Members of The Habbit Factory.

Saturday, 09 July 2022 – 19:30
Sunday, 10 July 2022 – 19:30

Book at The Queen’s Theatre

The Habbit Factory – Who are we

Founded in 2004, The Habbit Factory (THF) is an inclusive arts organisation working with children and young people in the London Borough of Havering – The borough with the 5th highest level of child poverty in London.  As the only organisation that supports disability arts in the borough and through a targeted network of partner. Our approach is built on the principles of inclusivity, which welcomes everyone; regardless of background, race and/or disability.  In doing so, we welcome some of the most excluded and disadvantaged groups in the UK – children and young people who don’t see themselves as artists and don’t have access to any creative engagement or provision. We do this because we believe art has the power to effect change. Evidence continues to suggest that the creative arts is one of the most powerful tools to bring people together, breaking down social and cultural barriers, whilst helping the most vulnerable to lead a fulfilling and dignified life.


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