The Dolly Show marks the ultimate Dolly Parton Tribute and with Australian born singer leading the night I knew we were in for a fun time.

Kelly definitely showed her background as a comedian, there were a lot of laughs throughout the night. As someone who wouldn’t call himself an exceptional Dolly Parton fan I was unsure what to expect, but it was definitely a lot of fun. I appreciated the way the tale was told and learned a lot about the contributions Dolly Parton’s life has had, through the discussion of events such as women’s rights and other historical moments in her life and this is even though we are only told a little bit of the story.

The music was great and you could not tell that Dolly wasn’t in the room, the band was fantastic and they certainly earned a cheer at the end. The music and the enthusiastic nature Kelly portrayed in the character had the whole room dancing at the end of the performance. There are certainly a lot of fun times in the night, there’s a moment when a man from the audience was invited to the stage and join in ‘Islands in the Stream’ and this certainly had us all joining in.

Kelly wasn’t afraid to come forward and walk amongst her fans, even shaking people’s hands and giving waves to audience members who were further away. This had the crowd joining in even more and even more and drove us all wild

Without a doubt you’ll be having a fun night and it has smiles on everyone’s faces by the end of the show

For more information take a look at the website


By admin