Poppy is looking for your help this Remembrance Day

We’re wondering if you’d like to participate in our little venture this week.

Design your own poppy, let your little ones go wild and crazy with the arts and crafts cupboard. Decorate/Design/Draw or paint a picture of a Remembrance Day poppy and send it in to our very own Poppy troll, she’ll pick a few of her faves and send the winners a special personal thank you video message. Design a poppy for Poppy!!! #poppy4poppy.

To send in your pictures either tag the page or send them through messenger. Oh and don’t forget to stick them up in your windows aswell for the entire world to see.

Poppy is happy to send a personal video to all schools that participate to be able to show the children she is so thankful for their designs, video will include school name and a thank you with a little song.

The idea is to have as many children as possible design beautiful Remembrance Day Poppy’s for our very own Havering Poppy troll. Due to the way Remembrance Day will be, we thought it’ll be nice to show the children at schools after the minute silence on the screens in class.

Wishing you all the best.

Rik from Ricknroll mascots.

Details are available on the Event Page